Forensic and investigation services

Forensic and investigation services

This area includes investigation of suspicions of fraud committed by employees as well as investigation of external attacks against the integrity of corporate assets. Analysis of internal control mechanisms aimed against frauds and recommendations leading to an increase in their efficiency. Analysis of entrepreneurial, operational and financial risks, proposals for mastering them. These are just a few examples of activities which we are able to provide to those clients who find themselves in an unpleasant situation, whether through their previous inactivity in the field of prevention of illegal conduct or by facing a planned and prepared attack of an individual or of a group of individuals.

The basis of forensic and investigation services is the promptness of their application (flexible movement of experts from ordinary, regular jobs is a rule of thumb), their planning and especially cooperation with the client. A matter-of-course is the auditor’s maintaining confidentiality in accordance with law regulations applicable in the Czech Republic. The phase of the analysis of documents and comprehensive interviews with the persons involved is followed by the drawing up of a report and its discussion with the client ordering the work in question. Its integral part is formed not only of the description of insufficiencies, suspicions and evidentiary materials of illegal activities (if there have been any revealed), but mostly of a proposal of system measures aimed at the future.

It is also possible to consider a preventative risk analysis as a part of these services, whose result is a risk management system or a system enabling management of an essential part of the risks. Cooperation with experts from other specialisations (IT, insurance sector etc.) increases the quality of the services provided by us.