We consider provision of independent and high-quality auditing services to be a matter-of-course. Nevertheless, we do not perceive the audit service just as fulfilment of legislative obligations, and strive to bring maximum added value to our clients.
Audit of Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements
Audit, or verification of Annual Financial Statements is a service which is used by business companies (but also by other entities) in order to increase credibility of the accounting information published. Audit activities are carried out by our company in accordance with the highest quality standards and thanks to our long-term presence on the market and our reputation, we can guarantee credibility and obtaining a maximum added value for our clients.
Audit of projects supported by the EU
Through its accession into the EU, the Czech Republic obtained the right to draw financial means from the structural funds of the EU. In spite of the relatively slow and much criticised launching of the process of preparation of drawdown of the EU means, the drawdown from the EU means currently concerns a large number of entities from both entrepreneurial and not-for-profit sectors.
Reviews of economic management
Reviews of economic management of territorial self-governing units represent a separate category of verification engagements carried out by auditors in the Czech Republic according to selected provisions of the Act no. 420/2004 Coll., on review of management of territorial autonomous entities and voluntary unions of municipalities.
Other verification services
In addition to verification of Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements, we provide other audit services, i.e. the services which consist in removal of uncertainties with regard to the facts verified.